Summer Slam will be presented live on pay-per-view in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on August 22, 1999.  It's sure to be an out of "BODY" experience ! ! !

WWF Championship Match
Stone Cold Steve Austin  vs Triple H  vs  Mankind
  After Chyna's shocking victory Monday night, she became the #1 contender for the World Wrestling Federation Championship.  Therefor she will meet Stone Cold Steve Austin at Summer Slam, with Jesse "the body" Ventura as the special guest referee.  I highly doubt that Chyna will be Austin's opponent after this week's Monday night Raw.  Look for Triple H to win back the rights to the  #1 contender spot this Monday.
Click on the photo to get ALL the Details JABRONI ! ! !

WWF Intercontinental Championship & European Championship Match
D'Lo Brown  vs  Jeff Jarrett
  Ever since D'Lo won the Intercontinental championship from Jeff Jarrett a couple of weeks ago on RAW, Jeff has been blaming every loss on Debra.  At Summer Slam, I look for Debra to finally leave Jeff's side.  And after Debra leaves Jarrett, it's all down hill from there Jeff.  Didn't we see this like a year ago.  Marc Mero and Sable.  Sable left Marc, and after month's of them feuding, Mero finally quit.  Does that mean Jeff may quit soon after?  I doubt it, but he'll go to the bottom of the barrel, with Droz and them.
Click on the photo to get ALL the Details JABRONI ! ! !

WWF Tag Team Championship Match
Kane & X-Pac  vs The Undertaker & THE BIG SHOW
  The newest TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLLLLD, Kane and X-P-A-C will defend their belts against the two towering monsters, which is the Undertaker and the BIG SHOW.  Kane and X-Pac have formed a close bond as of late and the crowd is really diggin' it ! ! !  Add in the BIG SHOW, and this is one HELLUVA match, with the exception of the gay Undertaker.

Click on the photo to get ALL the Details JABRONI ! ! !

WWF Hardcore Championship Match
Al Snow w/ Pepper  vs the BIG Bossman
  Al Snow will get his rematch for the Hardcore Championship he lost to the Big Bossman at Fully Loaded, at Summer Slam.  Al Snow who has been going crazy ever since Prince Albert nailed a huge nail, into HEAD's head.  Now Al has a new friend in the taco bell looking dog, which is PEPPER ! ! !  If this match is anything like the one at Fully Loaded, it will be a BIG hit.
Click on the photo to get ALL the Details JABRONI ! ! !

WWF Woman's Championship Match
Ivory  vs  Tori
  I HATE WOMAN's WRESTLING ! ! !  Chicks are cool to look at, but that just can't wrestle worth crap.  I just think it's funny, how they run of the ropes.  The ropes don't even budge.  Since there's not much to say about this match, I'll have some different, cool stuff inside this page.

Click on the photo to get ALL the Details JABRONI ! ! !


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