Shane McMahan
Love her or Leave her
        Ever since Test asked Stephanie McMahan out on a date about two months again, Shane has been trying to make Test's life a living hell.  Even though Test said the next night after his and Stephanie's date, that they were just friends, GTV caught the two kissing at a hotel.  From then on Shane and the rest of the Mean Street Posse have been after Test.  First it look as if Test was going to end up facing Joey Abs at the next pay-per-view, but I guess the WWF realized Shane and Test would make a better match.  After about two weeks of getting jumped by the posse and Shane, Test went on a mean streak, and was on a mission to eliminate each member of the Mean Street Posse, one by one.  Test went on to complete his mission, and now that leaves, just SHANE-O-MAC ! ! !
      On to the match.  Like I said earlier, if Test wins, he can stay with Stephanie, but if Shane wins, he and Stephanie can no longer see each other.  I think this is like a cheap run off of Romeo & Juliet / West Side Story.  Test will probably win the match, after fighting off the Mean Street Posse during the match.  But don't be surprised to see Stephanie at ring side.  She will probably play a BIG role in this match.  ENDING:  Shane will have control of the match, and Stephanie will whack her own brother with a chair.  That will get a huge pop from the crowd ! ! !