DAMN ! ! ! Although I said there wasn't much to say about this match
-which there isn't- , I sure am doing a lot of work on their page.
Anyway on to the match. I think Tori will win the Woman's Championship
at Summer Slam and hold the belt for a pretty long time. Ever since
Sable left the WWF, there's been a big gap in the woman's popularity.
Sure DEBRA's really popular, but she doesn't wrestle. (Good for Debra
! ! ! She KNOWS HER ROLE ! ! ! Stand there, look pretty, and
show us your PUPPIES ! ! ! Why can't the other woman get that through
their head) I think that the WWF is trying to make Tori the next
SABLE ! ! !
Here's a good
way to judge chicks, that THe Peoples Fan has came up with.
Ratings: 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...
4 (1 being the worst, 4 being the best)